Winds of Change

Winds of Change

02 14 2014

Wow. This winter has been just brutal all around North America and even our UK friends have been hard hit. I think we are ALL ready for a change, specifically a change to Spring and the milder temperatures it brings!

But there are other changes afoot as well! We have been hinting around in this blog about changes we are embarking on here at and we can finally begin sharing the information with you! We are well into the opening of a "brick and mortar" storefront for! We secured a facility last year to upgrade our warehousing and shipping operations, and it has proper space for a retail storefront and showroom! We are very excited about this, and we even have a couple of candid shots of the shelving being installed as I write this.

The physical location will, admittedly, have the most impact for those of you who are geographically close to us, but we believe that this new "click and mortar" organization will have benefits for all our customers. We are looking at not only using this new space for retail sales, but we are also looking into ways to use it as a classroom and a 'hands-on' try-it space as well. We want to devote some space to an area where actual customers can try out sanding supplies or new tools and help us decide which should be included in our product line and which may not be worthy! This real life feedback from end users should allow us to really tailor or lines to the best quality and value products for all our customers.

Much of this is still sort of nebulous and we are refining these ideas as we move forward, but stay tuned (boy, there is a saying that young people have no idea of it's origin) and we will keep you informed of the progress we are making! As always, we welcome your input. You can contact us by commenting here, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter.

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