The Best Safety Tool

The Best Safety Tool

05 04 2011

It is Woodworking Safety Week again, and we at want to do our part to spread the safety message. While most folks don't typically think about digging out the safety glasses and hearing protection when they think of sandpaper or sanding supplies, we are a part of your shop and want you to be safe.

While sanding is not typically a hazard to eyes and digits like using a table saw might be, there are still concerns that you should be addressing. Breathing in fine sanding dust is not good for your nose or lungs, and some people can have severe allergic reactions to some exotic woods. Dust build up in the motors and switches of power tools not only shorten's their lifespan, but can start fires. (I actually saw a shop refrigerator burt into flames from dust around the compressor!)

Our point here is that no matter the project you are working on or the tools you are using, the single most important safety device in your shop rests between your ears. Develop the habit of thinking safe at all times, and your will become a more safe woodworker.

We invite your comments here on the blog, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter. Let us know what you think!