
Just Smaller Scratches

Just Smaller Scratches

10 01 2012

We have been spending some more quality time with RJ Stroman, President of (and other sanding supply sites, but that is for a future blog post) RJ has been answering customer questions abou … read more
True Grits

True Grits

08 31 2012

To be honest, writing this blog every few weeks is a bit of a challenge. After all, we are a sanding supplies company. We want our company blog to be relevant to our customers, but frankly finding new … read more
Mystery, Disaster and Woodworking

Mystery, Disaster and Woodworking

08 16 2012

Ok, we had planned on answering some more reader questions in this blog post, but a recent column that we read is too intriging not to share. It involves woodworking, (of course) patent battles, and e … read more
Honoring the Trades

Honoring the Trades

08 06 2012

Now we do not have to tell you that the trades get a bum rap in our current society. While most of us had choices in shop classes growing up, you would be hard pressed to find a high school shop class … read more
RJ Speaks to Quality

RJ Speaks to Quality

07 11 2012

In this issue of the blog, we talk again with RJ Stroman, President of about why you get what you pay for in abrasives.Question: Why is is that different brands of sandpaper can leave better … read more