Honoring the Trades

Honoring the Trades

08 06 2012

Now we do not have to tell you that the trades get a bum rap in our current society. While most of us had choices in shop classes growing up, you would be hard pressed to find a high school shop class in your local high school. And even if there is one, try hiring a young man or woman after school to help out and learn your trade. Current labor laws are structured such that in most states they can't use even a random orbit sander! (But the Friolator at the local fast food joint is no issue! Go figure!)

As a nation we find ourselves with a rapidly aging and retiring pool of skilled trades men and women. Without young people getting into and learning the trades, your Plumber is quickly catching your General Practice Doctor for hourly labor rate! And trade jobs cannot be outsourced, your house needs wiring right where it is.

The good news is that there are things we all can do to help rectify the situation. While you can and should be conversing with your state and federal legislators to make them aware of your concerns, I also want to point out a couple of national initiatives to make folks aware and encourage young people in the trades.

First is the Irwin Tools "National Tradesman Day" coming up on September 21st 2012. This is their second annual event. There will be celebrations all over the country with Irwin representatives visiting jobsites around the country. The website also has ideas on how everyone can thank Trades people during the day.

Next is Mike Rowe's "MikeRoweWORKS" program. Mike is the host of the popular Discovery Channel show "Dirty Jobs". After years of trying his hand (and often failing hilariously) at the jobs of all sorts of people around the US, Mike began to see how truly valuable the trades are, and how neglected. Mike has become a spokeman for the trades and even has testified before Congress on the issue.

Last on my list here, (but these three are only a few of many) is the "Design Emphasis" program hosted by IWF Atlanta each show. High school and college students compete to showcase their work in the Design Emphasis gallery at the show. The gallery is a must see if you are attending the show (the 22nd through the 25th THIS month!) and the entire process encourages students to stretch themselves and excel in their trade.

Finding trained and qualified employees is a huge problem for all of us, even in an economy with high unemployment. We can't fix it instantly, but we can and should get started now to insure future employees. Feel free to get in touch and let us know about other programs of this nature.

We invite you to add your thoughts or send along questions that you may have. Please feel free to add your comments here on the blog, on our Facebookpage, or via Twitter. Let us know what you think! -2Sand.com

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