Should I Store Retail Packs?

Should I Store Retail Packs?

10 05 2011

Ok, I have a confession to make: Not all my sanding supplies come from There, I said it! Great to have that off my chest!

Seriously, like all of you, even though I buy all my bulk supplies from, sometimes I need something today, or I notice things I need at yard sales or in the clearance rack at the home center. In the case of clearance items, if the price is good enough I will buy as much as I can. And I firmly believe that until needed, it is best to leave them in the original packaging, especially blister packs.

One of the advantages of the storage unit I am building is that the pegboard panels forming the sides and doors can be used equally well on both the inside and outside. So extra retail packs can be stored on the inside of the cabinet hanging on the walls.

Just use standard hooks. Virtually all of the retail packaging will be punched for hook hanging anyway. And storing them on the inside of the cabinet keeps them clean, organized and out of the way. As you need, you can open a pack up and transfer the contents to the proper rack on the outside ready for instant use.

In the next installment, we begin actual construction on the storage cabinet. I am designing the unit to use standard "two by" stock for the frame members, and pegboard sheet from the home center. You can pick up a few 2 x 4s for yourself if you want to follow along.

I certainly invite you to add your thoughts or send along ideas that have worked well for you. Please feel free to add your comments here on the blog, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter. Let us know what you think!

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