Only As Good As...

Only As Good As...

08 10 2013

As I write this, heading into the Labor Day weekend, I am reminded once again about how our society 'looks down' on the trades and the people who work with their hands. We have discussed before how shop classes have been eliminated from schools, and tend to get largely ignored in the press, but Labor Day is a good time to reprise this discussion.

The men and women working in the trades are not only the ones who build the things we rely on, but they are also responsible for keeping it all operating. And while companies might be able to offshore all sorts of manufacturing jobs, your carpenter, plumber, electrician, auto mechanic, etc are all local. They live in your communities, pay local taxes, buy local homes, and support local charities. It is ironic that I know lots of folks who talk about and praise local farmers, go way out of their way to eat locally grown food, but never think twice about the local builders and fixers of the wolrd they live in unless it is 2am and the toilet is overflowing, or 95 degrees and the A/C goes out, or their car needs some body work. And then they will likely rant about how expensive it is!

So we at want you to let you know that Irwin Tools is once again sponsoring their annual "National Tradesmen Day" on September 20, 2013. Help spread the word. Take a few minutes at your party, barbeque or whatever to let your friends know. We need skilled and dedicated workers who know how to build and fix the world we live in.

Our world will be only as good as the skilled and well trained hands that keep it maintained and functioning. Many of our customers have those hands, and we salute you! Do yourselves a favor and remind the poor souls who don't get to do this critical work that you make their work possible.

If you have comments or question, get in touch here on this blog, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter.

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