How to Sand Epoxy Resin

How to Sand Epoxy Resin

Posted by Rebecca Henderson on 02 20 2024

Working with epoxy resin can feel like melding glass to whatever shape suits your fancy. At the same time, even the most airtight molds can leave epoxy resin projects with sharp or rough edges. The good news is that you don’t need heavy-duty sanding tools to refine epoxy resin. Instead, you can use several methods and techniques to achieve the smoothness and shine you want.

The following guide includes everything you need to turn your unfinished epoxy resin project into a glossy masterpiece. Check out our step-by-step instructions on sanding epoxy resin, from safety precautions and techniques to selecting the proper sandpaper. Learn about amine blush and how to remove it for that deep shine. Finally, we’ll cover how to finish your epoxy resin project with the proper polish.

Are you ready to discover how the pros achieve that translucent, transparent look? Get your epoxy resin piece and grab some sandpaper!

Key Takeaways:

  • You can wet or dry sand epoxy resin, but wet/dry silicon carbide sandpaper works best to remove the most material.
  • Even if you’re wet-sanding epoxy resin in a well-ventilated area, wear a respirator and safety glasses to protect yourself from fine dust particles.
  • Amine blush is the haze characteristic of cured epoxy resin and must be removed during sanding for a high-gloss finish.
  • Polishing your epoxy resin project by hand or with a buffer will help bring out that shine.

Sanding Epoxy Resin Versus Other Materials

Epoxy resin creates a durable yet glossy sheen that enhances various surfaces and textures. However, achieving that smooth and flawless surface requires sanding. We recommend waiting at least 24 to 72 hours before sanding your set epoxy resin to achieve the best results.

Sanding epoxy resin doesn’t necessarily require any special sanding techniques other than ensuring that you sand evenly and move from heavy to fine grit in steps. Because the resin shines like glass, it’s evident when scratches mar the surface. While you can sand between coats of epoxy resin, it’s only to give the next layer a foothold, not necessarily to increase the gloss of the final layer.

Safety Precautions While Sanding Epoxy Resin

You should wear a respirator whenever you sand something that creates fine dust particles. It’s also a good idea to wear gloves and safety glasses to avoid any dust particles entering your eyes. A well-ventilated room works best for distributing dust, but fans can also help clean the air around you as you sand.

If you plan on doing a lot of sanding, it’s a good idea to invest in a proper dust collection and air filtration system. Most dust collection systems pull a vacuum when you’re sanding to remove fine dust from the air. Air filters can also remove any finer dust particles moving through your workspace so your lungs don’t have to do all the work or sustain damage.

If you’re using power tools to sand your epoxy resin project, keep common-sense safety practices in mind. The wet element you introduce with wet/dry sandpaper and wet sanding can prove hazardous with electric tools, so be cautious. Tailor your equipment to the project you’re working on so you don’t get hurt.

What is Amine Blush?

Although “amine blush” may sound like the name of an expensive perfume, it’s actually a technical term for the haze you see on cured resin. Amine blush isn’t harmful or indicative of any fault in the epoxy resin. In fact, it’s what you want to remove as you sand to reveal the smooth, glassy finish beneath. Under ideal circumstances, you replace the amine blush with sanding marks that you can polish by hand or with a buffer.

How to Sand Epoxy Resin: Step-by-Step

Sanding epoxy resin is a relatively simple process. Here are the basic materials you’ll need to sand your epoxy resin project:

  • Personal safety equipment
  • Clean working surface
  • Wet/dry sandpaper of various grits
  • Clean microfiber cloths
  • Tub of water or spray bottle (if wet sanding epoxy resin)

Below are the steps involved in sanding epoxy resin:

  1. Begin by inspecting your epoxy resin piece and determining how much you need to sand. If you don’t have much to sand and want to approach minor details with your sanding efforts, choose the wet sanding method. Otherwise, dry sanding works just as well.
  2. Wipe your epoxy resin piece down with a clean microfiber. Use your heaviest-grit sandpaper to shape your project as desired. Move sporadically in a circular motion across the surface while maintaining an even pressure.
  3. Wipe the surface with another clean microfiber once you’ve achieved an even sanding.
  4. Repeat the sanding process, moving from coarse to fine grit. Ensure you sand the entire surface evenly for the best results. Wipe the surface clean at each change of sandpaper.

Now that you’ve got the basic idea of the epoxy resin sanding process let’s talk about techniques and methods you can use to achieve a better final result.


When choosing which grit to begin sanding with, consider starting at 120 grit. You can step down to 60 or 80 grit if your project is particularly rough. Regardless of your starting grit, ensure you sand the epoxy resin evenly. Spending more time on this step will save you (and your arm) from issues down the line.

Silicon carbide will remove the most material without digging in too deep. Alternatively, you can use aluminum oxide sandpaper if you don’t want to pull as much material with each pass. Mirka Abralon sandpaper discs also work well if you’re working in small areas where the sandpaper needs to conform to a specific shape. The soft foam backing of these discs allows you to mold the sandpaper to the surface of your project and can be used wet or dry on your favorite sander.


You can wet or dry sand epoxy resin depending on your available materials and your preferences. Dry sanding works well with smaller projects if you sand by hand and removes the electrical hazard from the equation if you’re using air sanders or electric sanders. However, dry sanding creates tons of dust that can require dust extractors to keep your environment clean and safe. It’s also common for heat to build up and leave visible scratches if you dry sand epoxy resin.

Alternatively, wet sanding can help you maintain control, even if you remove less resin than with dry sandpaper. Wet sanding cuts down on the friction involved and traps dust for a cleaner workspace. Some experts even say that you can achieve a higher gloss with wet sanding, but it’s a matter of personal perspective.

Sanding by hand is common, but you can also use a Dremel tool, electric sander, or air sander to do the job. Hand sanding can take more time in some cases, but it depends on the precision your project requires. For anything larger than what fits in your hand, power tools can help speed up the process.

How to Polish Epoxy Resin After Sanding

If you’re wondering how to make epoxy resin shiny after sanding, you’re in for a treat. Once you’ve sanded your epoxy resin project to its desired smoothness, it’s time to bring out the clarity. After all, that view of something through the deep, clear glass-like substance makes epoxy resin as popular as it is. Depending on the size of your project and how much of it you need to buff, you can either polish it by hand or with a buffer.

If you decide to polish your epoxy resin piece by hand, simply place some polishing compound on a soft microfiber. Moving in circular motions, distribute the compound across the piece’s surface and buff. Repeat the process, wiping away any excess polishing compound, until you’ve reached your desired shine.

The trick with polishing epoxy resin projects with wood or other integrated materials is to finish each surface individually. For example, if sanding an epoxy resin wooden table, you can finish the wood with oil, shellac, lacquer, or paint. After you polish the epoxy resin, your artwork is complete.


What kind of sandpaper do you use to sand epoxy resin?

Silicon carbide sandpaper remains the most aggressive type of sandpaper you can use to polish epoxy resin. Aluminum oxide sandpaper can be used for more delicate work, while Mirka Abralon sanding discs allow you to conform to pieces with irregular features.

Is sanding epoxy resin between coats a good idea?

Yes, sanding clear epoxy resin between coats can help give the new layer something to stick to. You don’t have to use a particularly coarse grit when sanding the previous epoxy resin layer. However, removing any resin dust or debris will help give your finished piece a crystal-clear look.

Can you polish epoxy resin?

Yes, you can polish epoxy resin. You can apply the polishing compound by hand and buff it to your desired clarity, or you can use a buffer, depending on the size of your project.

Why does epoxy resin have a haze?

The surface of your cured epoxy resin may look hazy, a feature known as “amine blush.” The presence of this haze has nothing to do with how well the epoxy resin sets. However, you should remove this haze during the sanding process.

Final Thoughts

Sanding and polishing epoxy resin can be tedious, but it’s the best way to get rid of the amine blush and bring out the deep shine epoxy resin projects are known for. Once you’ve got the proper materials assembled and techniques down, you can tackle any new epoxy resin pieces with confidence. With a bit of polish, you’re ready to show off your new creation.

If you’re unsure which sandpaper will work best for your epoxy resin application, let the Team at 2Sand help you make the right choice. Our experts can guide you toward the proper sanding materials to make sanding epoxy resin a part of the process rather than a stumbling block. What will you cast out of epoxy resin next and sand for that gleaming, vibrant look?