5 and 6 Inch Discs, One Sander
Posted by The Team at 2Sand on 10 13 2021

When working in the shop you will likely have both 5 inch and 6 inch random orbit sanders along with a stock of discs for each. But when out in the field or on a job site, it makes sense to pack just one sander. It makes sense right up until something happens and you find yourself two hours from the shop without the one abrasive you need in the right size disc. Local stores may or may not have what you need, but most are a long shot at best. “If only I had brought the other size sander!”.

What if you could quickly convert your 6 inch sander to a 5 inch? The sanding pad on most random orbit sanders can be replaced if worn or damaged, but not many can take different sized pads. The 6” Mirka Deros sanders can be fitted with their 5 inch pad , and the change-over is quick and easy using the wrench that comes with the sander. You can see how fast and easy swapping the pads is in this video.
Customers upgrading from other 5” sanders like being able to use up the rest of the 5” sanding discs they may have on hand, or even use both within their shop.

The pads simply screw on or off the motor shaft. The only trick is holding the spindle while turning the pad. Mirka supplies a thin 25mm wrench with the sander that slips in to trap the motor shaft. The rest is done with your other hand. This simplified change-over system can really reduce your travel kit when working on the road. The hard case that the Deros comes in has plenty of room for the sander, the extra 5 inch pad, pad protectors and sanding discs in both sizes.

The Team at 2Sand naturally believes that your shop should always be fully stocked with every conceivable combination of sanding supplies at all times, but those of us who work out in the field know that strange things happen and being able to easily use both 5 and 6 inch sanding discs may well save the day at some point. Now you can confidently head to the job site with an extra pad, rather than a second sanding kit.